This year I got the BEST gift for Albert! I was so excited to give it to him. I spent several hours scoping out the best place to make this special order and emailing different companies. After I ordered his perfect gift I checked the shipping status daily. I was so excited to see the finished product. I was even more excited for him to see it!
The gift was due to arrive while we were in Ridgecrest. I anxiously awaited the text from my sister to know it had arrived safely. No text. I checked the shipping status again. It was marked delivered. Chantalle went out with a flashlite to double check. There it was! The long awaited for gift. But it wasn't the great surprise it was meant to be.
Have you seen the old version of 'The Sandlot'? Remember the beast? That is our dogs. The package had been delivered over the fence. The dogs found it first. All of that money and time had been lost. I cried. The joy of the anticipated gift was gone.
The gift has been reordered. It won't be here for Christmas. It wont be a surprise. But It is still the BEST gift! This will still be the best Christmas I have ever had. It is our first Christmas as a family. We have a beautiful tree. We have mistletoe in all the right places. Steaming hot chocolate. Ice cold egg nog. Christmas movies and music!
What's your Christmas story?
We still have mistletoe in all the right places too. It might stay up forever!