Thursday, December 26, 2013

Do You Have One Yet?

If you are like most people, you don't have one.  You want one.  You have promised yourself you will get one.  Why don't you have one?  It is too much work.  It is too scary.  It isn't important...yet.  Unfortunately, when it is important, it is too late!  Who should have one?  Everyone.  When should they get one?  Now. 

Writing a will can be a lot of work.  Albert and I postponed writing our own will.  We were worried it would be a lot  of work.  We finally buckled down and did it earlier this year.  We ordered a kit (recommended by Dave Ramsey).  We set a date.  We sat down during Harli's nap time.  We wrote our will, together.  It is not perfect.  It was more important to have a draft than for it to be perfect.  We set reminders to update the will every year so that it will gradually become more perfect.  We also told our family members what was in our will and how to find it.  We don't want any surprises.

 Writing a will can be scary.  It can be terrifying.  It forces you to think about things that most of us prefer not to think about.  It forces us to think about our children growing up without one or both of us. 
It forces us to think about losing each other.  Albert took this time to write a letter to Harli for when he dies.  I wept when I read it.  I have yet to bring myself to write letters to loved ones.  I know I should.  Just like you know you should write a will.  However, it IS terrifying.

We put things off when we think we have more time.  Very few of us are willing to admit that we may be gone tomorrow.  You may think a will isn't important because you don't have money or things to pass down to loved ones.  Maybe you don't have children yet.  Maybe you are so young you don't think it matters yet.  Maybe you are so old you think it doesn't matter anymore.  It doesn't matter how old you are.  It doesn't matter how many or how few assets you have.  A will is important for everyone to have. 

It is not for YOU.  It is for your family.  It helps your family know what to do with your physical body.  If your spirit has already left your body, why does it matter what happens to the shell?  Your family is grieving.  Let them grieve.  Don't make them have to decide (or fight about) what to do.  Your family should not be given such a heavy burden.  Clearly lay out what to do with you, your possessions and especially your children (if you have children).  Give them this gift.

As you make your goals and resolutions for the new year, deeply consider writing a will.  It is a true testament of your love for your family and it is the responsible thing to do.

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